Recap of Zine Workshop

A zine (pronounced zeen) is an independently or self-published booklet, often created by physically cutting and gluing text and images together onto a master flat for photocopying.

On February 19th 2020, Illumination hosted a Zine Workshop at Wheelhouse studios in Memorial Union. This event was well-attended and participants learned how to fold a sheet of paper to make their own little Zine. With the resources and help of Wheelhouse, people made collages and used previous issues of Illumination and other WUD publications to create their designs. 

Thanks to our Staff Writer Emma Cooper for creating this video that really captures the creative essence of this event. 

Also, don't forget: Submissions for our Spring 2020 Issue close tonight March 6th at midnight! 


On Danez Smith’s “Homie”


Our Artist to Watch: Ian Van D. Chandler